Hello to all the Fans, Dorks, Geeks, Nerds and first time con goers out there. 2016 was a banner year for Phoenix Comicon. Now I'm sure that some of you out there have issues with what happened with the registration lines on Friday. All that says to me is that the con is becoming that much better. More and more people both in state and out of state are making a point to attend our hometown convention that we all look forward to all year round. Outside of the Friday snag with the line the con appears to have been a great success. We purposely held back this blog for attendance numbers and though we only have the estimated number we are happy to inform you that where last year attendance was around 75k the early numbers for 2016 have said to be around 100k. The difference in attendance between the 2 years is honestly amazing.
Some have asked why these numbers excite me as not only a fan but an avid PHXCC attendee. "Won't this make it harder to get into things you want to do?" To these types of worries I ask you all to be more excited than wary. The rise in attendance will lead to more great things in the coming years. I personally don't focus on guests unless it's someone I'm truly a fan of. But the additional buzz and revenue generated from this year will allow those who run PHXCC to get even higher profile gusts along with a greater variety of guests. This will only allow the con to be an even better event than it already is.
As always the cosplays that were seen around the convention were all top notch. whether you were in a store bought Halloween costume, something you made yourself or a costume that you commissioned from one of the amazing local seamstresses from the valley you were in good company. The third floor cosplay groups such as the AZA (Arizona Avengers), JLA (Justice League of Arizona) or the 501st were all on point as always. If spectacular costumes are something that you look forward to every year at the cons, then the third floor at PHXCC is always a great place to spend some time. Because honestly besides the groups you will always get the amazing individual cosplayers coming up to see whats going on.
Along with many of you that are from the valley of sun, this is the con that I look forward to and base my years activities around. For anyone reading this who has never attended a Comicon and is truly wanting to fear not. Phoenix Comicon has another event coming up. Phoenix Comicon Fan Fest is right around the corner in October. Now this is a small event but for a first time con goer honestly it's something that I would honestly recommend. cut your teeth at Fan Fest this fall. It's an event that will also be held at the Phoenix convention center starting this year and it's one that this fan is truly looking forward to.
I'm sure I will get some emails and comments about individual bad experiences that some of you had. And just like last year the randoms that will say that Phoenix Comicon isn't as good or as big as SDCC or Salt Lake because of attendance numbers or because of the guests that they draw in or what ever reason you can find. But out of any negative comment I have heard or read from this year or in past years one thing stands true. Unlike a lot of shows PHXCC learns from it's mistakes and takes responsibility for them. They truly care about the attendees from the director on down to every volunteer. They go out of their way to create a truly great event for all of us to enjoy and I for one can't wait to see what else they come up with.
Well everyone in the end it has been a great years con and can't wait to see you all at Fan Fest. Have a great time till then and "Don't forget to be a fan!"
I don't have much bad to say but... con is starting to feel like three difrent groups of people attending, the pannle people, the shopping fokes and the cosplayers. i think the whole reason for this us cus you have the hall of heros on the third floor while having the the shopping in the bacement.
ReplyDeletei think you should move the hall of heros or at least the bits where you have the camera ops and the 501st back to the bacement while opening up the third floor celeb singing more room to grow or/and have the investors spots that you had, yes they would have less room but this would mix and mingle the crowds a bit more and over all improve everyone's time i feel. the first year when everything was mixed was the best experance and i myself had the most picks of people cus they where wandering around rather then poping in the hall of heros in cosplay then changing out of them sometimes to go shopping.