Well fans the con season has come to an end and it's time for all of us to lick our monetary wounds. But with that said it was it was the pleasure of this Fanboy to get to attend Phoenix Comicon's Fanfest. This is PCC's 2nd annual Fanfest and I have to say it maybe my favorite of the smaller local cons. Going through the weekend though as you do with any con there were some not so great stories that floated around and people who found fault with nearly everything in the passing around of interactions and talking to different artists, vendors and cosplayers the overall experience was more than enjoyable and very laid back.
As you find at most con's you had the various booths for costuming groups. The AZA, 501st, DOZD, JLA, and so on. For the most part the groups are always a fun and not only welcome but anticipated part of any con! The effort that these groups put in to be there for the fans and especially the kids in attendance is inspiring. From my own experience if you're wanting to get involved with a cosplaying group the ones listed previously are some of the best and most of them have national if not international options for membership.

For those of use to the standard layout of most cons with vendors in one area artists in another the you were either greatly surprised or horribly confused. Personally I like the mixing and intertwining of artists and vendors. it's breaks things up and gives you a chances to find some sought after products and sought after authors without having to cross the room multiple times. I say good on you PCC!

As always got us a good mixture of guests. One or Two fell off as they do for any con and it's to be expected with either shooting schedules or show deadlines. But of course Karen Gillan was the big draw this year and all the chatter was how amazing she was. Being kind and interactive with the fans is always a great way to become a favorite guest. Once again though PCC has given us a good selection especially for this being a smaller con and it only being the second year.
In conclusion PCC has given another great addition to their line up of conventions and I personally look forward to see what they have in store for PCC 2016 and what they have up their sleeves for us. I have been to many small cons and though I plan my year around PCC this is quickly becoming a second anchor point for my con plans. Those you who haven't had a chance to experience one of their events I would highly recommend it! They are cons great by the fans and for the fans. Unlike some others that are clearly run by corporations looking to put out as many events as possible these are put together. Do your selves a favor and make a point to either attend Phoenix Comicon or FanFest.
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