Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Inking it right

             Hello to all the fans, dorks, geeks and nerds out there and welcome to the first post for the Fanboy Rant Off. In this rundown we are going to discus something that is near and dear to me which is tattoos. It's not commonly known that I am a tattoo artist, but it's one of the passions in my life. Every time I put needle to skin you can feel the angst and fear leave a persons body when they begin to feel that little point of pressure. A tattoo can save a person's life. I have seen this fact more time than I can count. The parents that lost a baby, the child that lost their parents or the fan morning the loss of an icon. Having that constant reminder on their skin give them a way to not only come to terms with the issues in the lives allows them to get past it and get on with their lives.

              With that said I beg and plead of you to please think before you ink! Now I am not gonna give you the "What's it gonna look like when you're 80?" speech because we all know that a bull shit argument. Most of the elderly who are covered look amazing and at least some if not most of their pieces have held up over the years. But just please think about what you're gonna get before you get it. If you have no ink or a couple or a lot and looking to get more there are some basic guide lines that you wanna pay attention too before you get some permanent art work! 1: Tattoos last longer than romance.(There is no end to the amount of people who have at least one exes name or god forbid a portrait on them. If you must get something for a spouse get something that you can change to story of later so if you still at least like the design you don't have to go through the pain of having it removed or covered. yes it hurts more the second time around!) 2: If you don't have tough enough skin to be made fun of after its done then get your ass out of the chair. (No matter what you get someone some where is going to give you shit for your ink! if you can't deal with that you're too much of a pussy to have a tattoo!) 3: Unless you plan a career that doesn't deal in mainstream anything make sure you can hide your art work! (Let face it folks, there is still a big stigma about people with ink and if you have any desire to be in the corporate world, HR, customer service where you're dealing with people face to face, if your employer requires you to hide it make sure you can.)

               Now I will never be the one to tell you not to get a symbol that you like, or a phrase that means something to you. By all means if it has a significance to go for it. Before I end our first blog I want to say one thing about the artists. They are a breed all unto themselves. when picking a artist just keep in mind there are some really shady artists are in shops and there are some truly amazing artists that work out of their house, or are willing to come to you. Be cautious with this too because it works the other way. Make sure that who ever you pick is clean and is more concerned with the art and the client than the money they're getting paid. Just don't automatically push aside an artist because they're not in a shop. Do your research find an artist to match what you're looking for. So go out there, find the beauty in someone else skin art and as always "Don't forget to be a fan!"  

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